Kruger NP

7th-10th June 2015
On the second full day of birding we left Johannesburg for the Satara Camp in Kruger National Park.  This was a long journey which took most of the day, with the occasional stops for birds etc.

Johannesburg to Satara Camp
White Rhinos
Not actually in Kruger but seen on route from a high viewpoint at a petrol filling station on the main road to Kruger!

White Rhinos - The same private game reserve as above

Common Eland - Just a short distance from the Rhinos.

More Eland and an Ostrich

Kruger NP 

Kruger Sunrise - We were waiting at the gates when they opened at 6am  (Photo NF)

Our Kruger Transport
Fairly high viewpoint with open sides.  Great for photography.

Baobab Tree - Apparently about 2000 years old!
A lake in Kruger NP attracts many species but also many Crocodiles!
The journey between Satara and Skukuza on 9th June

The Mammals

Lion - Not the first mammal we came across in Kruger but one of the most memorable.
We were getting concerned about not seeing this species when these four males sauntered across 
the road in front of us early one morning.  It was quite dark so flash has to be used.

Cheetah - Our second sighting of this elusive species.

Water Buffalo - One of the "Big Five".
They proceeded to slowly wander across the road causing a roadblock!

Water Buffalo with Oxpeckers

Kruger from a high viewpoint 
In the view are two White Rhino and two Black Rhino, as shown below!
Black Rhino Photographed at extremely long distance by digiscoping.  
An excellent find considering how few now remain in the park.

African Elephants - Plenty to be seen of all sizes.

Plains Zebra - Another species that were not hard to find.

Giraffe - Only seen on two days but not too difficult to find

Kudu - A striking Antelope.

Waterbuck - Above and below.  Note the pale ring around the rump.  A distinctive feature.

Impala - Elegant and extremely common.

Steenbok - A very small Antelope


Honey Badger - A very hard to find species.
We were fortunate to see three individuals in ten minutes early one morning!

Chacma Baboon
Common Dwarf Mongoose

The Birds

Ostrich - Only a few seen during the trip.

Photo NF

Red-crested Koorhan - Seen on the entrance track to the park.
Red-crested Koorhan

Goliath Heron

Striated Heron

Tawny Eagle - Only seen in Kruger NP  (Photo NF)

Lappet-faced Vulture

African Hawk Eagle

Lizard Buzzard

Harrier Hawk
Pearl-spotted Owlet - A few seen in Kruger

Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill  - This near endemic was frequently seen.

Keen to help clear up!

Crowned Hornbill - Uncommon 
Crowned Hornbill

Golden-tailed Woodpecker

Lilac-breasted Roller - Frequently seen
Purple Roller - Not so common as it's relative

Double-banded Sandgrouse - In the road!  A near endemic species.

Brown-headed Parrot

Namaqua Dove

Ring-necked Dove - A common species

African Green Pigeon - Only seen on one day in Kruger NP  (Photo - NF)

Jameson's Firefinch 

Burchell's Starling - A near endemic

Cape Starling
Cape Starling

Wattled Starling - Only seen in Kruger    - Photo NF

Burchell's Coucal  - Seen most days during the trip. A near endemic    Photo - NF

Spectacled Weaver

Black-crowned Tchagra

Brown-headed Kingfisher

Water Thick-knee - (Photo NF)

Blacksmith Lapwing

Three-banded Plover

Mocking Cliff Chat 

Yellow-throated Longclaw

Dark-capped Babbler - Extremely common

Arrow-marked Babbler - Seen daily in Kruger NP  (Photo NF)
Golden-breasted Bunting

Other Species
Nile Monitor

Nile Monitor - (Photo NF)

Spotted Hyena and Vultures at Rhino kill.  Sadly it had apparently been killed by poachers.

A real long distance digiscoped image of the above scene (Photo NF)

The following photos were taken during a lunch break on the balcony at Oliphants camp.

Only a small part of the view.  Lots of animals and birds.
Elephants Seen from the balcony at Oliphants


Red-winged Starling - Waiting to finish off our lunch.

Long-billed Crombec - Just below the balcony.

Chinspot Batis - Not too far from the Crombec above

The Night Drive
At Satara camp we joined an organised night drive with about thirty other people and an armed guard.  Not sure if he was protecting us from the animals or the poachers!  The drive lasted a couple of hours and we saw a number of additional species but I could only photograph Civet and the Verraux's Eagle Owl.  We also saw White Rhinos, Genet, Scrub Hare and the apparently scarce Porcupine.
African Civet

Verraux's Eagle-Owl - Presumably on a regular perch.  Note the pink eyelids!

The Giraffe Kill

Apparently a Giraffe was killed by two male Lions the previous day.  News got around and we managed to join a group of vehicles all trying to see the scene.  We managed to see a male Lion as it waited it's next meal.  Fortunately it was very close to the track and everyone got good views.

Giraffe carcase and Lion

The remaining Lion presumably digesting it's prior meal and waiting for the next!

Neil photographing the Lion

Hooded Vulture - Waiting close to the Giraffe kill.